Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Awesome "Best in Show" Clip

I love Christopher Guest and "Best in Show" is my favorite of his movies. This is not because the movie is about dogs, but because it is about people obsessed with their dogs. And while people obsessed with any one thing - Pickleball, JTT, The Weather Channel - are funny, dog obsession makes me feel better about my treatment of my own dog.

Dave thinks I am ridiculous with Scout; namely because I feel absurdly guilty leaving her, I incorporate her into as many of my daily activities as possible and I often roll around on the floor with her pretending to be a dog and exchanging kisses.

This movie proves that though ridiculous, I am not obsessed. Yes, the movie is indeed fiction, but it is completely based on reality and the exaggeration is actually pretty minimal. The following people visit the dog park on a regular basis: a woman who cooks filet mignon and rack of lamb every day for her poop-eating (literally, the dog eats turds) Wheaton Terrier; a man who gives his Beagle aromatherapy facials; an unemployed writer who dresses her Maltipoo in Burberry.


  1. My momma always said, "Never trust a turd-eatin' Wheaton."

    I suggest you do the same.

  2. aromatherapy...i have a friend...uh, a relative...ok, its me...i use lavender and chamomile to calm our 2 newfie pups so they sleep at night

  3. Maybe I should try that with Scout - though it seems Dave has a calming effect on her. I = play time!
