Thursday, February 26, 2009

Orca says No Excuses

Scout, Big Scout, Champ, Monkey...they run around like life's just one big joke. Sure, Monkey plays football but all he's got is his size and everyone knows its not the size of the dog in the fight that matters but the size of the fight in the dog. Scout's got the heart, seen her take on some big guys, but she's missing the focus (got some serious ADHD) to be a true champion like myself. I don't get distracted by all the wrestling and digging. I just set a goal for the day and reach it.Yesterday, I ran up and down the park stairs eighty-six times. Caught the frisbee forty times. Then finished up with hundred twelve calf raises (gotta get my vertical up to 28"-that's average NBA) and sixty-two leg raises ( says strong rectis abdonminus muscles will help my kicking strength). Worked my way right from the fitness zone into that red zone, where Lance says the real winners are. Drank some Muscle Milk, devoured a protein bar and whoa, got right on that treadmill and cranked the incline up. Lance says "Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever." These amateurs don't know shit about real pain. Izzy loses her breath and quits. I've held my breath underwater for training for 3 minutes, 36 seconds - she can suck it up instead of running to mommy for her inhaler. Back in '06 popped an achilles, duct taped it back together and finished the competition. No excuses. Livestrong.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Scout's 1st Post

Hi. Hi. I'm Scout. Squirrel? Did you say squirrel? Where!? Where!? Oh, no? Ok, nevermind...but tell me if you do see one! So, today I was at the park...yayayayay! park! party at the park! butt smelling! yayayay! park!...and there were these two prissy pomeranians that were just like pissed cause me and my friend Bijon, he's a puppy...I like puppies...puppies like to wrestle...I LOVE wrestling. I want to be the next China...but not so big...I'm little...but little dogs rock! Whoohoo! So Bijon and I were wrestling. Yeah wrestling! And we knock into them and the bitches go "Excccccuse me! Take your hooligan play somewhere else...we're holding a serious conversation!" Hooligan? What in the heck does that mean? Orca says it's a golf term. Golf is would be fun if you got to chase the ball...Ball! Ball! Gotta run.

Sorry, I'm back. Monkey thinks golf would be cool if you got to tackle people. He likes tackling. He's been tackled a lot. I like balls...Ball! Ball! I want it!

Ok, last time, I promise. So after those pomeranians called us a golf term I said "more like cooligans, at least we're not a bunch of farty..haha...fart... fooligans like you." Yeah! Told them! Bijon gave me a paw for I get a biscuit? But Honeybear told me I should have said "Arrre you zalcking about God's borrredom aphter zee zeventh day of crrreation.?" And when they say "no" say "zu should bee." Honeybear is weird. She says she is a Nile ist. Why does she like rivers?


Monday, February 23, 2009

Pursue your Passions - regardless of how boring or gross people think they are

Of all the sciences NY state forced students to take, Earth Science was by far the worst. Though a high school class, us “gifted” children (several only gifted in repelling the opposite sex) could take the class in junior high. We learned about the exciting topics of weather and rocks. And it should be noted we did not learn about natural disasters or fossils, the only two things which may have held my interest within those categories. Instead, we drew barometric pressure charts and calculated half-life. I have been alive a quarter-life and have yet to apply a half-life outside this class.

Despite the fact that not a single student showed even an iota of interest (even Venn-Diagram-loving Evan Stern), our teacher, Dr. DeWitt spoke about the topic as if he were telling us the most exciting news, which at the time would have been that Hanson was playing “ Mmmbop” at our Valentine’s Dance (I hated Hanson, I’m going with majority opinion here). Anyway, I was baffled as to how DeWitt could be so enthused about something dryer than Passover cookies. But at the dog park a few weeks ago I think I came to a conclusion.

Almost every dog at the park likes to roll in disgusting things, including dead animal parts, bodily fluids and fungus-covered trees. Despite the fact that in the Van Halen video “Right Now” it looks like that Golden Retriever is just rolling around for fun, I guarantee there was squirrel vomit or some equally foul item on that ground. At the park, Chloe seems to favor regurgitated but not fully digested food items, Champ enjoys crushed bugs and Monkey likes fruit cores and skins (including banana). Though Scout rolls in all three, poop is clearly her favorite nasty item, in both the loose and hard variations. If I glance away for just one second, there is a 93% chance Scout is rolling in some feces. There have been many a walk we have returned from early in order to hose her down. The thing is, nothing gives Scout as much joy as rolling in poop. She could do it all day every day with an enthusiasm rivaled only by Richard Simmons. Scout puts more passion into poop rolling than I do into anything. It is her Earth Science.

Who the hell was I to judge Dr. DeWitt? Who in the hell am I to judge Scout or Chloe or Bijon or Monkey? They have a passion and are whole-heartedly pursuing it – which is more than most people can say, including myself. The fact that someone, dog or human, can be overjoyed by something as simple as the water cycle or having poop smeared all over them, is actually admirable. Maybe I should stop thinking about some complicated, meaningful path I should dedicate my life to and just find something simple that I love and truly pursue it, regardless of what other people think. Though I know my thing is not physics or feces, I am not sure what it is. For now, I’ll just sit and be jealous of the pressure-charting Mr. DeWitt and gross-thing rolling dogs – we should all be so lucky to find something we truly love (other than alcohol).