Scout, Big Scout, Champ, Monkey...they run around like life's just one big joke. Sure, Monkey plays football but all he's got is his size and everyone knows its not the size of the dog in the fight that matters but the size of the fight in the dog. Scout's got the heart, seen her take on some big guys, but she's missing the focus (got some serious ADHD) to be a true champion like myself. I don't get distracted by all the wrestling and digging. I just set a goal for the day and reach it.Yesterday, I ran up and down the park stairs eighty-six times. Caught the frisbee forty times. Then finished up with hundred twelve calf raises (gotta get my vertical up to 28"-that's average NBA) and sixty-two leg raises (Livestrong.com says strong rectis abdonminus muscles will help my kicking strength). Worked my way right from the fitness zone into that red zone, where Lance says the real winners are. Drank some Muscle Milk, devoured a protein bar and whoa, got right on that treadmill and cranked the incline up. Lance says "Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever." These amateurs don't know shit about real pain. Izzy loses her breath and quits. I've held my breath underwater for training for 3 minutes, 36 seconds - she can suck it up instead of running to mommy for her inhaler. Back in '06 popped an achilles, duct taped it back together and finished the competition. No excuses. Livestrong.
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