Caesar Milan does not like rewarding your dog with affection. He claims a dog would rather have a strong pat on the back than a kiss-filled belly rub. Clearly, he was not raised by a Jewish mother.
Um, I happen to know FOR A FACT that Scout owns a yarmulke. Doth the lady protest to much when donning religious headwear to produce an illustrative photo for your post?
This blog started as an attempt to share what Julie, a New Yorker confused by CA's obsession with volleyball and the male graphic tee, and Scout, a one-time street dog with a penchant for poop rolling, observed and learned from their favorite locale: The Jocelyn Dog Park in Santa Monica, CA. After evolving over the past several months, it now covers anything dog - and sometimes anything animal - related. From panda dogs to painted cats, and Bobama to Bark Mitzvahs, Life Lessons has it all. Become a loyal follower, part-time peruser or just paw through every now and then - regardless, enjoy the often bizarre news and always fresh take on the phenomena known as Dog.
Um, I happen to know FOR A FACT that Scout owns a yarmulke. Doth the lady protest to much when donning religious headwear to produce an illustrative photo for your post?