When we first got Scout, every time we left her alone she would find something to tear into a million pieces and scatter around the apartment. When it was an old brochure or tissues from the bathroom garbage, we weren't that upset. But when it was our journal from a trip to Israel or a sentimental favorite book, we were. And Scout knew this. She'd put her tail between her legs, pull her ears back and hide under the bed in shame.
But, did Scout actually feel conscious regret? Or was she merely giving a sign that she messed up, something perhaps just evolutionary? This is the topic of an article in this week's New York Times Science section. Recent experiments have resulted in moping coyotes, second-guessing monkeys and eye-covering tigers.
While I doubt that Scout feels human-like regret, in the sense of deep contemplation and even depression, I do think she feels something. When a dog at the park is playing too rough, the others will let him know by either recoiling and ignoring him or going at him aggressively. This generally results in the the offender slouching and withdrawing to the perimeter.
Marc Bekoff, a behavioral ecologist at The University of Colorado, noticed this same phenomena with wild coyotes, adding that if the animal did not show this regret, the others would not let him back into the group. In the wild, this would cause the animal to be left alone, therefore decreasing its chance of survival. So, even if animals do not contemplate like we do, they at least know what is right and wrong and feel some form of regret when they screw up.*
*I think cats may be the exception to this notion. Dave's parent's cat regularly shits in their sink then waits nearby and gloats when the turd has been discovered. My friend's cat routinely tears down all the curtains in her house then pisses on them. Instead of sulking or hiding, the cat actually leads my friend to the destroyed curtains, as if saying "Go out again; I dare you." Cats are some freaking pissy biatches.†
† Not Fred Holop, who was da bomb
Ugh. Cats are such attention whores. My mom's cat will poop in her litter box and then meow (really, REALLY loudly) until my mom cleans it out. She also pees on the drapes and then meows, leading my mom to (first) check the litter box and then all around the house to see which set of drapes she peed on. We are pretty much waiting for her to die...okay that's extreme...but kind of.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I had no real job so I just rollerbladed all over the city and/or made you leave work to play.