"When my dog's anal glands get full I just milk them myself"
My Quick Comments:
1. This is disgusting and reminds me of Stiffler during the sperm bank scene in Road Trip (Yes, I know his name is not Stiffler in this movie but he will always be Stiffler in my book)
2. This was said by a seemingly normal woman that looked like pre-Idol Kelly Clarkson:

3. Who announces this to the world? I don't even tell my dentist I don't floss regularly out of fear of judgment.
4. This seems like something only a professional should do - leave it to the Anal Gland Milkers. Would you go to your plumber for a gynecological exam? They clean pipes but that doesn't mean they should clean your pipes.
"they clean pipes but that doesn't mean they should clean your pipes" pretty much one of your best lines ever. love it.
ReplyDeleteFishy, this blog is fantastic! I feel the need to comment on both the anal cleansing and Kelly Clarkson. A few weeks ago, Tommy and I sat through an entire PetSmart Dog Obedience class about hygiene. (Please keep in mind our dog was becoming less and less obedient by the second.) Anyways, 40 out of the 45 minutes were devoted to the “ins” and “outs” of the glands and instructions on how to pop them for the pup. I have no idea how everyone else in the class kept a straight face while watching this South Philly Cesar use his fingers to demonstrate the process in the air. Apparently most groomers do this little milking every time your dog gets their nails clipped. Who knew? This same man also told me I looked like Kelly Clarkson, which … I don’t. Please keep the dog stories coming. - Jilly
ReplyDeletejilly!! so good to hear from you. what kind of doggie do you have? feel free to email me any good pup stories and i'll post them. you look like kelly clarkson on her best day, maybe at like the grammys or something but you DO NOT look like her in this pic. give me a ring when you're in cali so we can meet up
ReplyDeleteLOL! awesome
ReplyDeleteI do a lot for my dog. I cook his food from scratch. I comb his hair. I file his nails and I brush his teeth. I'd take a bullet for the little guy. But I do NOT "express" his glands. Boundaries!
ReplyDeleteGreat picture to illustrate the post.